Thursday, January 20, 2011

R.I.P. Ripley

My sister-in-law, Margo, had the unenviable task of bringing Ripley into the VCA in Aurora for a 2nd opinion on the tumor in his limb only to discover that the osteosarcoma in his front leg was not only severe but had fractured the bone.

Two weeks before his 11th birthday, they had to part with this beautiful boy.

Ripley survived all of his litter mates. Making it to 11 years old for a Flat-Coated Retriever is actually a great thing.

I still remember that cute little bundle of energy when John and Margo got him.  Shortly after getting him they learned that Margo was not only pregnant but due to have triplets.

Talk about a fabulous dog to have around the house. He was uber-tolerant of the little guys when they were old enough to move around and grab his ears.

Ripley loved trying to play with MacDuff, who would engage with him before Duff became too much of a grouch.

His last year was spent with their newest Flat-Coat, Arwen, who I am certain will miss her older companion.

Non dog lovers have a difficult time understanding our attachment, I know.  They are only with us for too short of a time. But that time is one we want to prolong as much as possible.

He lived a wonderful life with his family.  I know we always enjoyed seeing each other when I would come to visit.

John and Margo, know that you did the kindest thing for him that you could ever do. You took his pain and put it on yourself.

His spirit is free from that broken body now.

Rest in peace, sweet boy.